Darsh Kale ~ Portfolio

CS and Statistics | UMN 2023

About me
Data Pipeline for Time Series Data

Data Pipeline for Time Series Data

Table of Contents

By Darsh, on
Paper: Model Comparison - NPORS US Voting Data

Paper: Model Comparison - NPORS US Voting Data

Paper Title: Comparison of Logistic Regression and Random Forest Models to Predict Voting Outcomes

By Darsh, on
Housing Prices Analysis

Housing Prices Analysis

Kaggle - Housing Prices Dataset - PCA / Decision Trees / Random Forests

By Darsh, on
notMNIST Dataset - CNN

notMNIST Dataset - CNN

Handwritten letters image recognition using CNN (notMINST dataset)

By Darsh, on
SEC Filings Web Scraping

SEC Filings Web Scraping

In this project we will make extracting information from the SEC Filings (10-K and 10-q)...

By Darsh, on
MNIST Dataset - CNN

MNIST Dataset - CNN

MNIST dataset image classification using CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) - Darsh Kale

By Darsh, on